Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Brynlee's Been Sick

Brynlee got two teeth a few days before she turned 4 months - yes 4 MONTHS! She wasn't fussy or anything and Daddy is the one who found them - not nursing Mom. But shortly after that, she got sick and was so fussy I knew something was wrong. The instacare doctor in Utah told me that she was fine, so we got on the airplane the next day. She continued to get worse that week so I finally took her to the doctor on Friday. It was really scaring me because she would get into coughing fits that she couldn't even cry. Before she got sick she was sleeping 11-12 hours/night. It was fabulous. But then she got sick and the only way to settle her down was to feed her. I couldn't just let her cry because that would send her into a coughing fit. Flashback to newborn nights. The Hawaii doc thought it was RSV, tested her and sent us home on nebulizer treatments. They helped, but she still wasn't improving so we went back again on Wednesday - the RSV test was negative, and he determined it was bronchitis instead. Fortunately, the antibiotics did the trick and we have our happy Brynlee back. YAY!

One night I had to run to our friends' house to borrow their cooler, and Brynlee got really mad. After screaming awhile, she crashed on Mike - the screaming he didn't love, but really enjoyed snuggling with her. I tried to wake her up to feed her, but she was just too worn out. Poor baby. Side note - the reason we needed to borrow a cooler was because the fridge in our house didn't work. Unfortunately, we had milk and eggs and cheese in there. To save the food, we borrowed the cooler. I was very grateful that I didn't go to Costco to stock up like I had been planning because I was too worn out. The only casualty was a gallon of milk - it could have been much worse. BYU was great and quickly came to replace it.

I didn't realize this until I was looking at pictures, but her little "stork bites" on her eyelids turned dark when she got sick. Maybe they will be a good indicator of illness.


Alan and Lynette said...

I think it's so funny when babies sleep like looks like WORK keeping her hands up that way. SOOO cute!
Very observant of you...lately I've been feeling so grateful for moms who can/will stay home with their kids so they can figure stuff like that're great...

Alan and Lynette said...

She looks so big! She's just getting to be all growed up...who does she think she is?

Jenna said...

All my kids have slept like that. I even find myself with my hands up in the morning :). It must be genetic. I'm so glad she's feeling better. I'm sorry you've had such a hard transition. I wish you at least a year of no worries!

Brittney said...

aww, poor baby! She's so cute!! I just want to snuggle her! That is scary you guys are such good parents. Eyan has a stork bite on one of his eye lids too!