Monday, February 9, 2009

And we're off!

I told Mike we were not even going to pretend to lug all this stuff around the airport - even if the cart cost us $50! But it was only $3 and worth every penny! The girls were given a few goodbye activity bags and goodies for on the airplane which they loved. Thanks Romrells and Aunt Melinda!

We stayed at Uncle Jason and Aunt Katy's house and Jason took us to the airport (Thank You!)- with all of our stuff, we barely fit! Good thing the girls aren't very big!

The girl's first airplane ride! (not entirely true - they don't remember their real 1st - Whitney was a year and a half and Kenna 3 months) And a long one it was! 6 hours! They did great playing ponies, laughing, talking, drawing, etc. Neither in-flight movie was for kids so during the second movie we let them watch Barbie and the Diamond Castle on the laptop. Thanks, Aunt Jenna!


Jenna said...

I'm so glad that I didn't take that dvd back to Wal-mart! I must have known that you would need it. :)