Monday, December 14, 2009

Oh What Do you Do in the WINTERtime

Oh what do you do in the WINTERtime when all the world is GREEN?

Do you find a nice nook to read a good book,

Or go to the beach all day?

If that's NOT what you do, you should try winter OUR way!

This is a completely un-posed picture. I was mopping and asked the girls to go outside so they weren't in the way and I could move things around. They wanted to take books outside, which isn't typically allowed, but I let them and found them like this. How could I not take a picture?! I love it that they love to read!


Brittney said...

That tree is awesome! It has great spots for sitting and reading! Oh... lets see in the winter here... we sit around and freeze inside our house... I'm to the point that I'm wondering if I'll ever be warm again... :)

Sara said...

I want to try winter the Hawaiian way!