Saturday, September 26, 2009

Johanson Fun in Idaho

The whole Johanson Family was able to come for the baptism. It was so great to have everyone there! Friday night (before the baptism) we all met at a beautiful park for playing and dinner. It was fun to visit and catch up and the kids enjoyed playing together. The weather was gorgeous! I was a little nervous because in past years, we have always gotten a "last weekend of September" snow. (Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures at the park.)

Some of them had to leave on Saturday and Sunday morning before we met for church.
PS-Kenna is in a dress-up. I did NOT let her wear that to church! :)

Thank you everyone for coming to Whitney's Baptism!


Jenna said...

Hey! I took a bunch of these pictures! Credit, please? :)

Makenna is so cute. I'm so glad that Deena looks so much like her. It's like getting a preview of what she'll be like in a few years. So far so good. :)