Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer Hair

Since it is summer and we've had more time to fix hair, we've been having some fun. We found a few blogs with hair ideas and have enjoyed experimenting with fun new hairdos! I wish I had been better about taking pictures. Here are some of our favorites.

This one was a DEFINITE favorite! It lasted three days (and 2 nights of sleeping!). Each morning I just re-sprayed and we were off to the races. And it was SUPER cute. I am becoming known in my ward as the "one who does cute hair". It is something that I enjoy doing-a hobby-I guess and as a bonus, I get to spend one-on-one time talking with my girls. (That's my favorite part.) There have been many times when something comes up that we wouldn't have other-wise talked about. Sad will be the day when they don't want me to fix it anymore.

I'm not sure why I didn't get a real picture of this one, but luckily she was doing something picture worthy and I caught it on accident. It was a cute one. We also did this same one with little braids instead of twists.

Not my favorite-a little on the crazy side. But you gotta be crazy every once in awhile-right?! It did look pretty cool.

Kenna loves side ponies! To begin with, I wasn't really a fan but we've come up with some cute ways to do them.

I forgot to take this one before it got slept on but those two sections are tied in a knot and pulled back to the ponytail. My favorite is when it lasts for a few days. This one just needed to be re-sprayed and a few bobbypins added and we were set for another day.


riggs family said...

love the hair do's, I miss you guys!!

Brittney said...

I love it!!! When I'm a mom to a girl.. I'm going to have to spend hours at your side learning everything!Cute girls!