Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First Day of School

The girls both started school the last week of August. We got home from Utah on Saturday and then started school on Monday. Both of the girls were up before 7 which hasn't happened for a long time before. (or since for that matter) They usually are big breakfast eaters - typically eating more than I do. I made them french toast - a favorite and neither ate very much. As I walked them up to the school, they were both excited. Each had at least one friend in their class and that was good. I kissed them both and left them lined up with their classes. I didn't have any tears until I watched them both walk into the school and I turned around and bawled. I am excited for them to go and it is fun to watch them learn and grow, but it was hard. We have had a fun summer. I had several friends there dropping off kids who I would have stayed to talk to, but I just wanted to go home. I thought all my tears were out, until I walked into my empty house and they started all over again. It has been an adjustment having Whitney gone all day - for all of us. It is hard for her not to have much play time by the time she gets home and does homework and everything. It is hard for me and Kenna not to get to play with her. I am glad we only have half day kindergarten. I don't think I would have handled that very well.

The girls were very cute picking out their outfits for the first day of school. They chose to be "twinners" without any prompting from me. I would imagine they will stop doing that before too long - but I thought it was sweet.

The big first grader!

Watch out Kindergarten!
Here I come!

Kenna and Bailee P
(There are three in her class - and two Jacksons)


Alan and Lynette said...

SOOO cute! When did Dub chop her hair? It's darling:) Sorry you had a rough day with the girls gone...I love you so much and hope things get a little easier...

Jenna said...

The girls look great. I hope they still like school. My kids are hit and miss--some days they love it, some they wish they could stay home again.

Sorry about the sadness. It goes away, plus, in just a few weeks you'll get to start over again : ) Another 5 long years until you'll have to send her off to the mean, dark school.

Heather said...

Wow. I can't imagine a quiet house. Sad and lonely on one hand, heaven on the other... But Jenna is right, soon you'll have a new baby to fill your days. The fun starts all over again! Good luck, you'll slip into a new routine and life will be bliss again.