Sunday, September 28, 2008

1 Week Left and Tummy Pictures

We have one more week until we are due, but have decided that she should be born on Thursday. We would like to have her in October, so Thursday works for that. It is after month-end for Mike which is always crazy for him, the girls don't have school on Thursday or Friday and my parents are coming down for conference weekend so it would really work out well. We will see how she cooperates. I have an appointment tomorrow and I hope to see some progression. I won't be very happy if I haven't dilated. I have been a 2 at my last three appts. I keep telling Mike that she is going to be born on month-end and he will have to learn that someone else can do his job. He thinks he can get away with sending a replacement for him to the hospital - but I have veto-ed that plan.

I guess it just takes some nudging from Lynette to get me to post - I have taken a few tummy pics that I haven't posted and she has been hassling me. So here you go. Last week at church I was feeling huge because several people told me that I looked liked I was "about to pop" or that it seemed that "I had grown alot all of a sudden." Note to any readers - not pleasant things to hear when you are 2 weeks away from your due date and feeling big without those comments. People were much nicer this week. Mike kept telling everyone that asked about our due date that it was in February - not so funny. But I am hoping that I won't go to church again without a baby, since next week is conference and I should have had her by the following week. (I really hope!)

September 8 - 36 weeks

September 22 - 38 weeks


Heather said...

Yes. I actually skipped church the last Sunday I was pregnant because I couldn't deal with all the comments any longer. I vowed not to go to church (or anywhere) until the baby came, thankfully he came 6 days after I skipped church. I wish you all the luck with baby!!! And I think you look beautiful!!
PS- I think we may be up your way the weekend after conference. Let me know if you are up to visitors!

Jenna said...

Thanks for putting up the pictures. I know you probably don't like them (I never cared for mine : ) but we all love to see how you're looking. I'm totally excited for you to have her this week : ) Let's hope she's obedient and comes on Thursday like you want. I can't wait to meet little LaDarcy. : )

Alan and Lynette said...

You are absolutely the CUTEST prego! People are so silly...for crying out loud!!!! Know that you're in our prayers this week. You ARE amazing!!!