Sunday, July 20, 2008

Swimming Lessons

The girls recently finished swimming lessons and LOVED them! They both are starting to swim independently and really enjoy that freedom. Whitney has started jumping into the deeper (4'6") end and swims to where she can touch. The first time she did it, it scared me because I was across the pool and didn't know she was going to. But she did great. We made a rule that I have to be watching though - just in case she has trouble. Last year Makenna didn't really like getting her face wet, but it doesn't bother her this year. She's a little fish, I am very impressed by how much they progressed this year. Now we just need to practice, practice, practice. Unfortunately, almost every day is windy here so that makes swimming kind of cold. The girls don't seem to mind too much, but I sure don't like it. I guess I am just a pansy! You'd think being pregnant that I would like to cool off, but I don't like being wet in the wind.

Whitney swimming on her own

Whitney and her teacher, Lindley

Kenna and her teacher, Brier - Kenna got to have her new friend Bailee in her class and they had a lot of fun together.


Alan and Lynette said...

So fun! Those girls are little fish! Sounds like you don't need to worry about them getting out of the deep end! They are getting so growed up!!!