Thursday, July 31, 2008

Camping with Grandma and Grandpa

Last weekend we met Grandma and Grandpa for our "only us" trip. Each year we visit both sets of grandparents when it is only us for the individual time with them. This is something we started when Kenna was a baby and we have come to cherish these visits. (We love the ones with everyone too.) It turns out that I have a lot to learn about going camping. We haven't done a whole lot of official camping (other than in backyards) so I am an amateur. One thing I learned on this trip is not to plan on using a new camping stove to cook your food. (Must be tested first before you rely on it for your meal) I bought an unused stove at a garage sale and we assumed it would work. Mike thinks there was something wrong with the propane tank, but whatever the problem, it wouldn't cook breakfast. Thankfully, Mom and Dad had their trailer and we were able to cook in there. After we were already on the road, I realized that I didn't pack a spatula - a tool that kind of helps when flipping pancakes. Once again, Mom and Dad to the rescue. This time I did remember to bring tin foil for our tin foil dinners - also comes in handy. I guess the hiccups will help us remember the trip. Getting ready for camping is SO MUCH WORK!!!! I don't know how my mom did it with 5 kids! But once we got up there, we had a great time.

It was a camping trip of firsts for the girls. Friday night, we got the fire going and let the girls experience s'mores for their first time. I know it is sad that they are almost 7 and 5 1/2 and hadn't had them. We also roasted laffy taffys and flavored tootsie rolls. We concluded that they aren't quite as good as starbursts, but still pretty tasty. As we waited for the fire to die down, we visited and watched the sky. There must be at least 3 times as many stars visible out there than at our house. It was beautiful! Our next "first" was shooting stars. We watched for about a half an hour and probably saw 8 or so. All of us, except Grandpa saw at least one. He must have been looking in the wrong place everytime - possibly his eyelids. I love the peaceful, simplicity of camping - once you get there, of course.

Before Mom and I were up Saturday morning, Mike and Dad took the girls for a walk. The wild flowers there were gorgeous and Whitney and Kenna picked us each a beautiful bouquet. Because of the technical difficulties with breakfast, we had a true three course meal. None of which were ready at the same time. I think we were cooking for about an hour and a half, but none of us went hungry. Eggs first, then sausage, then pancakes - a true camping breakfast. Yummy! I guess it wouldn't have been very memorable if we hadn't had trouble.

Then on to another first - we rented a flat bottom boat and floated the river. It was a lot of fun. Whitney was pretty brave getting into the cold water. Kenna liked putting her toes in. Mike and I floated the same spot on our honeymoon in a canoe. We had a great time exploring all kinds of channels and things when we were there 8 years ago. It was a little more difficult in a bigger boat with 4 extra passengers. We did have fun trying though. In one of the channels we stopped for another "first" - teaching the girls to skip rocks. Both of them even got a few to skip - they are fast learners. After getting packed up we took a walk and enjoyed the forest. This world Heavenly Father created for us is sure beautiful! Even though it was a one night trip, it was still a great time and we made some great memories.


riggs family said...

It sounds like your camping trip was a blast!!! Something always goes a little hay wire when your camping, that is what makes it fun. Great idea about the us time with the g-parents, i bet the kids love having them to themselves. I miss you guys!

Alan and Lynette said...

So fun! I can't wait to get back into a world where camping is not complete humid miserability... (how do you like that word?:))
Can't wait to see you in 7 days!!!!!

Bethany and Terry said...

Camping and being prego is something to be held in high honor. I saw your blog through Melinda's.

Your girls are simply cute and fun. I hope all goes well for preschool and the new arrival! We will wait anxiously for pictures when the time arrives.

Have a great last few weeks of summer!

Anna said...

Katrina-Im so excited I found yours and Lynette's blogs through Alain's! I think our oldest 2 kids are about the same age, my Maggie will be 7 in December, we have a son Dallin, who is 18 mos and are expecting another boy, Ty at the beginning of December! your family is adorable and looking like that when you are pregnant is not fair-at all!

Dave said...

David and I went camping Labor Day weekend and I can attest to all the work it takes, especially with a 3-month-old. It was awesome and Hyrum loved it. I'm glad it was fun for you.