Saturday, November 20, 2010

Kait Highlights

Sorry Kenna and Whitney-you don't get your own highlights posts. :)

Nov 3-Kenna liked it that Kait was holding her finger so she wanted a picture. Only after I put them on the computer did I notice how tan Kenna looks next to her.

Brynlee loves holding Kait and will sit there for 15+ minutes sometimes. And so far Kait doesn't seem to mind much. Kait-2mo

Kait first started grinning at 5 weeks-she is almost 2 mo (Nov 20) and it is easier to catch them on camera now.

Aunt Stef wanted to secure her "favorite Aunt status" from the beginning with this "My Aunt is my BFF" outfit.

Kait is so lucky to have three amazing big sisters! Whitney and Kenna have been so helpful! I am one lucky mom!

They like me to take pics when they are pretending to be asleep. They LOVE snuggling our newest little princess!

Sweet Sleeping Angel

Kait's personal Jacuzzi-though she is quickly running out of room! Check out her rolls! Chubby is BEST!


Jenna said...

She is such a sweetie! I miss her so much! I hope I can spend some more time with her as she grows up--I'd really like to give Stef a run for her money as the favorite aunt. :)