Saturday, November 20, 2010

Brynlee Highlights

These pictures are from October and November

Check out those cheeks! On both of them! Brynlee LOVES her baby sister! I hope they are best friends just like Whitney and Kenna!
(Oct 26 Kait 1 mo, Bryn 2 yrs)

Future Picasso
I introduced Brynlee to watercolors-it was a hit. :)

This is serious business!

Making "whikers" in the tub

Bryn loves to be my helper with Kait.

Sometime I am going to do a "random sleep" post. My girls sleep in the strangest positions! She likes being big in her big girl bed.

Kenna and Whitney went to work making Bryn "beautiful." That is lip gloss on her eyes-silly girls. She came out saying-"I look like Medusa!"

"I help my Mom make cookies!"
It isn't good enough to be next to me-she always wants to be on the "counter."


Jenna said...

Bryn reminds me so much of Deena in how she's so interested in everything. And, how does she sleep like that? That looks so uncomfortable!