Sunday, September 26, 2010

Welcome Kaitlyn Mykell

Our sweet Kaitlyn Mykell was born Sept 23 at 12:05 weighing 7 lbs 15 oz and measuring 20 inches long. I had been a little nervous that she was actually going to be a boy. Bryn has said consistently for the past five months that the baby's name was "blue" and she kept saying it was a little brother. I couldn't convince her that it was a sister, so I was a little nervous we'd be bringing home a boy in pink! But instead we were blessed with another little princess.

The night before we went into labor-Mike was playing with Bryn and hid the volleyball in his shirt, so we had to take a picture. I'd say I carry better than he does.

I went to the doctor on Wednesday. She was going to be the doctor on at the hospital on Thursday so she said that if I wanted to meet her at the hospital at 7 a.m., she would break my water. I really wanted to have her before Mike's mom left, but wasn't sure I wanted to go about it that way. After my appointment I came home and walked two miles with Bryn in the stroller in hopes to help things along. I contracted while I walked, but once I stopped, the contractions stopped too. :(

Then at 3 a.m. I got up for the nightly bathroom run and just getting up gave me a hard contraction-harder than I had had so far. I had ten or twelve more contractions over the next 2 hours as I was in and out of sleep. But they were strong enough to wake me up. At 5 I got up and finished getting packed for the hospital and I continued contracting. My girls haven't been getting up until 6:45 when I have to wake them up for school, but they must have sensed their little sister coming. Bryn was up at 5:30, Kenna at 6 and Whitney at 6:10. We were able to say family prayer and make sure Grandma was all set (of course she was - she's a natural!) before we headed off to the hospital.

I was grateful we made it to the hospital and didn't have a car birth. We actually ended up having plenty of time. But I was glad we didn't wait any longer because I felt every single bump when I was contracting. Luckily they were still spread out anywhere from 4-10 mins apart. They have birthing tubs at this hospital and it was amazing how much it helped me relax! Mike was awesome, as usual! I was kind of excited to deliver at this hospital because they have a midwife and doctor there 24-7 so I was hoping to be able to have a little more midwife labor support. But they had so many moms come in that day, that we only saw the midwife once or twice.

My cute sister, Lynette, sent me this princess crown so I could feel beautiful while I was in labor. I was really in labor-this was between contractions.

At 11:45 I had the doctor check me and I was an 8, but my water was still intact. I was anxious to be done and she recommended that we maybe break my water then. Not excited about the prospect of turning the intensity up, I was excited to get to the end faster. After breaking my water my contractions came hard and faster-WHOA! Now I was seriously ready to be done! Even though I was only an 8, she asked me to push a little and see what happened. She was coming! :) So she and Mike scrubbed in and four or five pushes later she was here!

Mike was once again the first one to hold our little angel. It is a neat thing to watch him deliver our girls. He is such an amazing Daddy, from the very beginning!

No-I didn't wear the crown all through labor-but I had to put it on when all the work was done!

The binki looks so big!

Sweet Kaitlyn

Not everyone can say they recovered in a room with this view!

Yes that is a cast. Kenna fell out of our plumeria tree two weeks before Kaitlyn was born. She cried a lot and then wouldn't play. She is pretty tough when it comes to getting hurt so I figured it was something more than just a bump. Sure enough, it was broken! She had to come for a checkup on Friday so my friend, Teresa, brought her in to the hospital. We checked out of the sixth floor and went right to the third floor to change her cast. She was so excited to meet Kaitlyn!

Kaitlyn's first car trip.

Driving home by way of H3-a beautiful rainbow

Meeting Whitney

Brynlee is so gentle and hasn't even been jealous. She LOVES being a big sister!

Checking to make sure she has all of her fingers.

Meeting Grandma Johanson. She came on Friday before Kaitlyn was born and we were just hoping that she'd be born before she left on the next Saturday. Kaitlyn came at the perfect time. We were able to do some fun things with Grandma before she was born but still had her help while we were at the hospital! Thank you, Grandma for all your help! It was so great to not worry about anything!


The Johnsons said...

Congratulations! Your littlest is so sweet looking and I hope the family adjustment continues to be smooth. Enjoy (& good luck seems fitting, too!)!

Jenna said...

Do you still have the hospital bracelets on, Katrina? :)) You know you can take them off once you leave the hospital, right? They are kind of stylin' though. :) Good job on another heart-stoppingly beautiful girl.

JoMama said...

Hooray and a thousand congratulations. Mr Johanson is going to have his hands full with so many lovely little girls running about! She is beautiful and I am glad to hear that things went well in L & D. When you are not busy being super mom, be sure to post photos of everyone.

julie said...

Congratulations on a safe delivery and another beautiful daughter! You look great, by the way, after having just delivered a baby! With my #4, I looked so tired and worn out in my pictures! You make it look like it was a walk in the park.

My Angels said...

She is absolutely adorable, just like her sisters!! Love every minute of it, I swear is goes faster and faster with each one!

Desmond Doings said...

Such a cutie!! Wish I could be there. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I love you and hope all continues to go well.

riggs family said...

She is beautiful, and she looks just like she belongs!! I bet her big sisters just adore her!! Jenna broke her arm too, and we had to do the cast thing too. However, I'm sure having a cast in all that heat with the beach right there was worse! Jenna broke her arm in august, and she broke her hand in october. I think I might stick her in a bubble. I'm glad things went so well! You look great by the way!