Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thank you, Grandma!

Grandma Johanson came out to help with the new baby. We took a gamble hoping that she would be born sometime in the window that Grandma was here and she barely made it. She came Friday before our due date and left Saturday after Kaitlyn came. Kaitlyn was born Thursday, home from the hospital Friday, and we took Grandma to the airport Saturday. I was beginning to worry that Grandma was going to miss her - but it worked out perfect. We got to give Grandma a little bit of a Hawaiian vacation before putting her to work. It was wonderful being able to leave the girls with her and not worry at all! Thank you, Grandma!

Kenna had to have a checkup on her arm so she got to come and pick up Grandma.

Sunday visiting the Temple and Visitors' Center

Morning beach time with Grandma while the older girls were at school.

Since Kaitlyn hadn't come yet, we planned a picnic on the North Shore to watch the sunset. The surf was pretty good so we got to watch some surfers as we ate before the sunset. Taco Salad with Haupia Pie for dessert. YUMMY!

Snuggling Grandma before we had to say goodbye. Such a sweet picture. Kait was chubby from the start!

Thank you so much for coming to spend time with us and for all you did to help! We love you!


Jenna said...

Thanks for putting up all these pictures, Katrina. Hope you don't mind that I stole them all. :) I promise to not use them for evil. :)

Unknown said...

You are entirely welcome! What an exciting time to share with your family! And it was so special to be able to meet sweet little Kaitlyn so soon! Thank you!

My Angels said...

I love love the picture of her with her grandma! Those cheeks are too cute, I would suck them right off! What are we going to do with these babies when there is not a new one to make us realize how big they really are? I am a little scared!!