Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fireknife Competition

We decided to get season passes to the PCC so that we could attend this fireknife competition. The girls have loved having them - they would go to the canoe parade every week if I would let them. And the activites have yet to get old for them. We've heard they do some fun things on the lagoon for Christmas and Halloween so we are excited to visit regularly.

The youngest fireknife competitor was 8. Two boys in our ward competed and got 2nd place. It is amazing to me that these boys are my girls' ages. I don't even like them to swing sticks around - let alone ones that are burning!


Alan and Lynette said...

That is so cool! It makes me hot to look at it though. I would have severely damaged myself doing that...or even getting within 3 feet of someone doing that...I just know it... :)