Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bedtime with Three

Bedtime with three is a little different and Whitney and Kenna love the change. Most nights they each get to snuggle with Brynlee in their beds for one song or one chapter of the book we are reading. They love it. It just warms my heart to see how much they love their sister! Sometimes she's awake and sometimes she's asleep. They especially love to snuggle her when she is asleep. And they also like to pretend they are sleeping too. I couldn't help but take these precious pictures.

Mike puts the girls to bed most nights to give me a break and to spend more time with them. He is such an amazing Daddy! I am pretty sure they have him wrapped around their fingers. (But they would do most anything for him, too!) On a regular basis he falls asleep singing to them on their floor. A year or so ago I started spending bedtime playing the piano. While he reads, I practice and then I accompany him for songs. It has become a fun tradition and makes me take time to practice the piano. And you know - I have discovered something . . . when you practice you get better and songs come easier. Can you even believe it?! For the past month we have been working on our library's Winter Family Read-Aloud Program. So instead of playing I have been joining them for books. We have read Hello, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, The Mouse and the Motorcycle, and are now working on Charlotte's Web. I remember all of these books from my childhood but didn't remember much of the storylines. They are fun books. Thanks to Uncle Norm for intoducing my family to Mrs. Piggle Wiggle when I was a kid - and now my girls love them. If only there was a Mrs. Piggle Wiggle in my neighborhood I could call for some magic to cure my kids when I am having troubles with them!

When he does fall asleep the girls are quick to wake him and remind him that he isn't finished singing yet.


Heidi said...

I love that you have each set of pictures with eyes closed and eyes open. So cute. And your girls are darling!

JoMama said...

My favorite picture is the last of Mike and Brynlee, the expression on his face is really great! Don't you love how when they are little the fall asleep on your chest like that? I didn't know I could love this much. Once again, you and Mike have great genes... cute, cute kids!

Martinez Family said...

Too cute Katrina. Your girls are gorgeous!

Jenna said...

I'll play devil's advocate: Your girls love their little doll now, but what will it be like in 2 years when she's in all their stuff and constantly pestering them? Unfortunately that's where I am right now. I don't know if Deena and Jessica will ever like each other again. Enjoy it while you can. :)

Alan and Lynette said...

Those are fun traditions:) Way to go on the enjoying the journey goal:) you've got yerself a real cute family:)
20 days:)