Sunday, October 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Brynlee!

Brynlee is so much fun! Every day she has me laughing! She is recently potty trained, sleeping in a big girl bed with no binki, and now shares a room with her big sisters. About six weeks before Kaitlyn was born, she decided she wanted to wear panties so I figured we would try it. She has done great! Definitely not without accidents, but we are getting close! Just in time to buy diapers for Kait! Then week we brought Kaitlyn home Bryn climbed out of her crib so I figured it was time to graduate to a big bed, which meant no more binki. And I intended for the only change to be adding a new sister. She has done really well with it all.

Some Brynlee Facts:
She is still very attached to her snug (little blanket).
Loves books and has many books mostly memorized including Pinkalicious-it is adorable!
Wants to do anything and everything her big sisters do including polly pockets, ponies, barbies and even practicing the piano.
LOVES her new baby sister and the new role of BIG sister.

Making the traditional birthday "rolly pancakes" with Daddy for breakfast. I never let my older girls sit on the counter to help me cook. I'm getting softer with her and Kaitlyn will probably be worse so I guess we better stop. She does love to help in the kitchen whether it is cooking or washing the dishes, unloading the dishwasher, and setting the table.

Kisses for Daddy!
Showing me that she's 2!

YUM! You can't really go wrong when you get to have powdered sugar for breakfast!

She didn't want any to go to waste! Funny Girl!

We had her birthday cake a week late because I didn't get around to making the Minnie Mouse to go on the cake. I had good intentions, but my newborn kept winning out over the cake. And this may be the only fun cake she gets! Next year I have a feeling I will be birthday-ed out. She will be the third in three and a half weeks!

I wasn't really up for a party since Kait was only 2 weeks old, but we invited Sage and the Kimballs to eat cake with us. It will be fun to watch these two growing up together.


riggs family said...

Happy bithday Bryn!! What a cutie!! I too have done things with Drew that I would have never done with the older two. I'm sure It would be worse if we had a fourth. Maybe I'm just less "up tight" about things. Miss you guys!

JoMama said...

Happy Birthday baby! Adelaide LOVES Pinkalicious too. She thinks that "burping up brussels sprouts" is the funniest phrase on God's green earth.

Sara said...

I wasn't planning on Hyrum moving to a toddler bed until a while after Sophia was born. But we found one for cheap, brought it home, and he loved it. Funny how they decide they are ready for milestones even when we aren't! The cake is super adorable.

Kristen said...

Thanks for showing me to your blog! SO cute!! And Happy Birthday Brynlee!