Tuesday, April 20, 2010


This isn't actually our baby's ultrasound picture, but it pretty much looks like this. (I'm too lazy to scan our real one!) And, we are staying PINK! Kenna and Whitney were both rooting for another girl, and they got their wish. And honestly, it will be easier (at least short term) to have a girl. We are already equipped with all pink! :) We are so excited to welcome a new little angel into our family. What a blessing these daughters are!

Many people wondered if this was our boy because this pregnancy has been different than the rest. I have been more tired and felt crummy more. With my other three, whenever I started to feel nauseous, I just had to eat something and then I was fine. This time around, if I get nauseous, I stay feeling sick for the rest of the day. I keep trying to eat different things in hopes that I will feel better, but instead I think I am going to just gain a lot more weight this time around. I guess that would be worth it if it helped, but it doesn't!