Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!

Mike's birthday fell on a Saturday so we let him sleep in before a yummy breakfast of sausage and eggs. (He doesn't choose rolly pancakes-but he's the birthday boy and should get what he wants, right?) We tried to make a head lei (not sure what they are really called) but it was too small - the perfect size for Bryn though. And you may think it strange that we gave him a lei with pink, but each pink part is for one of his 4 girls! We love him so much!

For his birthday I surprised him with an open ocean jetski outing. It was a lot of fun! Definately different than on a lake. The waves are totally better than boat wakes! You would think that after having lived here for 4 months that we wouldn't be quite so white - I guess we need to work on that!!!